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Ages 12 And Up, Grades 7 And Up

ISBN 9780553537741, 0553537741

Trade Paperback | 352 pages


For readers of Robin Benway’s Far from the Tree, a powerful and heartwarming look at a teen girl about to age out of the foster care system.

Growing up in foster care, Muir has lived in many houses. And if she’s learned one thing, it is to Pack. Light. Carry only what fits in a suitcase.

Toothbrush? Yes. Socks? Yes. Emotional attachment to friends? foster families? a boyfriend? Nope! There’s no room for any additional baggage.

Muir has just one year left before she ages out of the system. One year before she’s free. One year to avoid anything—or anyone—that could get in her way.

Then she meets Francine. And Kira. And Sean.

And everything changes.

What I Carry by Jennifer Longo

SKU: 9780553537741
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